Sunday, February 05, 2006

mystery Spanish poster

and while I am rooting through my image folders, how about this one? The translated title is: "THE FIVE SISTERS OF BRUCE LEE" however, a Babel Fish translation gives sez BRUCE = BRUSH! Yes, behold THE FIVE SISTERS OF BRUSH LEE!!!!!! What chamber of Shaolin teaches you how to kick with heels like that!

2/6/06 - from the comments section comes this observation by Poptique: "This is also known as Five Black Heroines and somewhere I've got an Ocean Shores VHS of it called "Bruce, Kung Fu Girls". Suffice to say, there's no reference to Bruce Lee at any point during the movie - it's a goofy Taiwanese tale of a five strong team of leather-clad ladies taking on a dastardly villainess who’s discovered the power of invisibility. Oh - and they only manage to squeeze them into those crrrazy S&M outfits for a couple of scenes. "


Poptique said...

This is also known as Five Black Heroines and somewhere I've got an Ocean Shores VHS of it called "Bruce, Kung Fu Girls".

Suffice to say, there's no reference to Bruce Lee at any point during the movie - it's a goofy Taiwanese tale of a five strong team of leather-clad ladies taking on a dastardly villainess who’s discovered the power of invisibility.

Poptique said...

Oh - and they only manage to squeeze them into those crrrazy S&M outfits for a couple of scenes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ultra...

Cool blog!
I've 'favourite'd' it so I'll check back.

Just finished the Russ Meyer bio by Jimmy McDonough...check it out...very awesome.

Alright...I'll see you around the tee dot...


Jack J said...

Poptique; "Five Black Heroines"!! That's a pretty weird title considering the heroines aren't black at all. LOL. Do you know where it was relased under this title and/or where did you learn about this? Cheers.