Happy Chinese New Year! This year the celebration totally caught me off guard and I'm kind of bummed. I usually celebrate by going up to one of the big Chinese malls in the suburbs or gorge on dim sum and congee and curl up to watch some old HK film faves. I only clued in when I started seeing Chinese friends on Facebook wish each other Happy New Year. Bah!
So here is my obligatory Year of the Ox post that just happens to have a tie-in. Years ago I bought these sticker sheets for 79 cents in Chinatown. Kind of strange novelty item as they are full letter size sheets, with no perforations on them.
Check out young Tony, who wishes you all, "
Gong hei fat choi!"

So young! Wow!
I love Maggie. <3!
i hope scientist/PI anita mui helps young tony use those fireworks safely. i wouldn't want him to blow a finger off.
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