Sunday, February 19, 2006

I have landed the final fatal blow...

Write ups are done! Procrastination defeated! And the schedule is posted! What is coming soon to the temple that is the Revue Cinema in downtown Toronto? For starters...

image courtesy of The Chucky Lou A/V Club


Anonymous said...

*falls off chair laughing*

I must say thats the best silhouette image I have seen in a long time :D

Will def use it when letting ppl know about the next round of Kung Fu comming up :D

I have / will not be able to make it out to the last couple Kung Fu Fridays , but must make room for "SWORD OF MANY LOVES" & "ENTER THE FAT DRAGON"

I also look fwd to taking a lisen to some good old Blacksplotiation latter tonight -

Anonymous said...

ooo, i'm pretty excited about seeing _sword of many loves_ and _enter the fat dragon_ is one of my favorites. poor beardy.

btw, your sig still claims the royal as the temple of the fu.
